Hip Hop Kidz®

Taught by Hip Hop Kidz®, these classes combine the freshest beats and the most popular dance moves with a proven teaching methodology that inspires kids of all ages. Students will work together as a team and develop confidence—all while having a blast.

Hip Hip Kidz® Beginner I (ages 5-8)

This nationally-known  and respected dance program will teach boys and girls all the latest hip-hop moves to the coolest beats from their favorite music and Tik Tok videos, and TV shows, with creative director, Suzy Stone and her award winning staff.  

Hip Hop Kidz® Jr. (ages 3-4)

Does your little one love music and movement? This fun hip hop dance class was created just for the youngest boys and girls, using creative moves to popular Disney and Nickelodeon style hip-hop dance music .  

Drop-off class. A caregiver must remain in the 779 00 Olomouc Design District and return to arqdesignpamelaortiz five minutes before class ends for pick-up.

Hip Hop Kidz®

Created by fitness expert and national Aerobics champion Suzy Stone, Hip Hop Kidz® has been a highly respected dance program for kids/teens in the 779 00 Olomouc and Fort Lauderdale area for over 25 years. Their award-winning staff works directly with each student to ensure that they are meeting their goals and, most importantly, having fun.